
Join Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy

Your annual (January – December) membership in our Land Trust provides support and encouragement for our ongoing efforts to preserve open space, farmlands, and trails in our community.

  • As a member you will receive our newsletter with reports, essays and narratives about local environmental happenings in our Land Trust.
  • We will keep you notified about upcoming programs, special events and volunteer opportunities.
  • You will receive discounts on many of our paid events.
  • Your membership will also put you in touch with local and state conservation efforts and the people who care enough to become involved.

The Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy (TRLC) is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 corporation. All gifts made to TRLC are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Online donations will be securely processed by Stripe. Or download our Membership Application (PDF), and mail with your check to Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy, P.O. Box 734, Bloomfield, CT 06002.

Join or Renew Now

Member Spotlight: Michelle Clifford

Michelle Clifford has been a member of the TRLC for more than 16 years. She currently serves as a member of the TRLC Conservation Committee and as steward of the Donald and Barbara Algren Preserve in East Granby. As a property steward, she walks the 17+ acre property boundary at least once a year and schedules work parties several times a year to remove invasive plants such as multiflora rose and Japanese barberry.

As a former neighbor, she was a long-time steward of the Ian Clark Preserve. Michelle and other volunteers installed a series of bog bridges through the 13+ acre property, creating a half-mile loop walking trail. Working with the East Granby Public Library, this has become a popular storybook trail, walked by many local families. Other past roles include stewardship chair for the East Granby Land Trust, overseeing the stewardship of 16 properties.

Michelle enjoys being outside, creating spaces to be enjoyed by others and improving habitat for wildlife. In her spare time, Michelle enjoys hiking, golfing, snowshoeing, traveling, and birding. Michelle notes “the camaraderie amongst the TRLC volunteers is what keeps me coming back. You meet new people, hear their experiences, and learn about native habitats and how to support them. The work is extremely rewarding and beneficial to our environment.”

Michelle believes in being active in her community. She first found out about the land trust after reading about their work in a local paper. She brought her two elementary school aged children to a work party in which a bridge was being constructed at a pond outlet. They enjoyed the work so much they frequently accompanied Michelle at future work parties.

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