
You Can Make a Difference

Donations are an important way to show your support of our efforts. Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy (TRLC) is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 corporation. All gifts made to TRLC are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

  • Cash Gifts: May be treated as a charitable deduction for income tax purposes.
  • Celebration or Memorial Gifts: A gift of cash or stock in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a special event is a wonderful way to honor someone and support your commitment to the environment. We will be glad to provide special recognition for these gifts if desired.

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Other Ways to Donate

Please contact us if you are interested in supporting Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy with any of these other donation methods.

  • Gifts of Stock: The value of the securities is deductible as a charitable gift for tax purposes, and capital gains tax may be avoided.
  • Matching Gifts: If you work for a company which has a matching gifts program, please apply for those benefits and your gift to Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy will be doubled.
  • Gifts of Land/Property: Donations of land/property fall into two broad classifications: property that meets TRLC’s criteria for permanent conservation, or property that can be sold or traded to benefit the overall mission of Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy. Please make a contribution now to preserve your land for future generations!

Planned Giving

Planned giving for the future creates a legacy for you and your family, and notes your commitment to preserving our natural resources. If this interests you, please consult your attorney about the tax benefits you and/or your heirs could realize. Some options are:

  • Will or Living Trust: Name Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy in your will or living trust to be distributed after your lifetime. Please notify us if you have established a provision in your will, so we can give you proper recognition.
  • Individual Retirement Accounts: Name Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy as the beneficiary of your individual retirement account or deferred benefit plan.
  • Life Insurance: Consider naming Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy as beneficiary for a policy no longer needed for your family, or purchase one directly to benefit TRLC.
  • Life-Income Funds: By investing funds into a charitable remainder trust or annuity, you or a family member is provided with income during your lifetime and Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy will receive a delayed gift of principal.

For additional information, consult with your attorney, and contact us. A Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy representative will contact you.

Donor Spotlight:  Sten Caspersson

Picture of Sten CasperssonIf you visit the Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy’s Stout Family Fields, there’s a good chance you’ll encounter Sten Caspersson and his Miniature Schnauzers enjoying a walk. Or if you cycle past Hawk Hill Farm on scenic Duncaster Road, or run in Farmington River Park. Sten’s work as a Senior Nuclear Project Manager at ABB Combustion Engineering in Windsor sent him around the country and the world, followed by vacations to National Parks, Europe, and South Africa. Yet he always liked how easy it was to access beautiful natural spaces in Connecticut, and why he and his wife, Marti, moved to Bloomfield.

Sten was also an executive scientist for the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, an advisor for the Presidents’ College continuing learning program at the University of Hartford and served on Bloomfield’s Human Services Facility Building Committee.

It was on those dog walks around the neighborhood where Sten met many neighbors who were members of the Wintonbury Land Trust. After joining them for the occasional stewardship work party he began volunteering on the Finance Committee and Board of Directors. Observing board meetings and seeing the progress on projects such as Hawk Hill Farm resulted in his becoming a regular donor to the annual campaign and special appeals. His donations often provided the first contribution received!

Sten explained that he appreciates how Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy’s work is transparent, with results that benefit the community at large. Donors can attend meetings to understand how funds are spent. The results – an historic barn restored to use, hiking trails open to the public, wetlands protected from development, and more – are concrete and readily visible to donors and the community alike. He encourages anyone considering a donation to view the website for upcoming meetings and current project descriptions to learn more. We sincerely thank Sten for his many contributions both as a volunteer and a donor!

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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