
Tarrifville Gorge Weekday Hike

Date: May 6, 2025
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Route 189 at the intersection with Old Hartford Rd, East Granby

Please join us for a weekday hike with TRLC member, Dave Mogul, at the Tarrifville Gorge in East Granby. We’ll be hiking on the Metacomet trail, starting alongside the Farmington River, and then ascending to scenic views of the river and the surrounding areas. This moderate out-and-back hike with a number of inclines and some rocky stretches, is about 3 miles, taking 2 -3 hours.

Check the website for postings or cancellation. Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring water. Hiking poles and hiking boots are encouraged for the uneven terrain.

Park on Route 189 at the intersection with Old Hartford Road just north of Tarrifville. There is ample parking on the northbound shoulder past the Metacomet trail marker.

This hike is co-sponsored by Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy and Simsbury Land Trust.

Lyme Disease Presentation

Date: May 6, 2025
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Noah Webster Library, 20 S Main St, West Hartford
This program, presented by Dr. Lawrence Zemel at the Noah Webster Library in West Hartford, will cover the ecology of deer ticks, symptoms and signs of Lyme disease, diagnosis, and treatment, and the latest on a new Lyme vaccine.
Dr. Zemel is a retired Professor of Pediatrics at UConn School of Medicine and Division Head of Pediatric Rheumatology at Connecticut Children’s and one of the co-authors of the authoritative national guidelines on the management of Lyme disease published in 2021.
There will be time for questions after the presentation.

2025 Annual Meeting

Date: May 12, 2025
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Windsor Town Hall, 275 Broad Street, Windsor

Members and guests are invited to Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy’s Annual Meeting. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the work of protecting the environment, preserving local farms and connecting people with nature. The board of directors will report on activities and finances and answer your questions. Current Land Trust members will also elect directors to the board.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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