
Sustainable Landscaping

Date: March 26, 2025
Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Location: East Granby Public Library (or via Zoom)

Join us at the East Granby Public Library to learn more about sustainable landscaping practices to support local ecosystems. This presentation will be led by Arborist, Devin Savoy from SavaTree. Devin holds a Bachelor of Science in Plant Sciences from Cornell University and is a Connecticut Accredited Nursery Professional. Please register at Both hybrid and in-person options will be available. Co-sponsored by East Granby Public Library.

Hawk Hill Farm – Work Party 1

Date: March 29, 2025
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: 20 Duncaster Road, Hawk Hill Farm, Bloomfield

We could use helpers to clean up around the notable trees in anticipation of the Tree Trail grand opening on April 27.

Bring water and loppers, and dress for the woods – long pants, long sleeves, boots, work gloves.

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in helping so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

Hawk Hill Farm – Work Party 2

Date: April 5, 2025
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: 20 Duncaster Road, Hawk Hill Farm, Bloomfield

If you couldn’t make it last weekend, we will be back at Hawk Hill cleaning cleaning up around the notable trees in anticipation of the Tree Trail grand opening.

Bring water and loppers, and dress for the woods – long pants, long sleeves, boots, work gloves.

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in helping so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

Griffin Marsh Invasive Plant Workshop

Date: April 12, 2025
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: Ezekiel Way, Griffin Marsh, East Granby

Join us at an invasive plant workshop to get hands-on experience clearing invasive plants. Today we will be digging up the Japanese Barberry on the east side of the parcel. Barberry is relatively easy to dig up this time of year and it’s easy to spot.

Wear leather work gloves, dress for the woods and bring water and a shovel.

NOTE: If you can’t come on Saturday, we will have a second workshop on Sunday afternoon from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. We should be able to make a big dent in the barberry with two workshops!

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in helping so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

Park immediately on the right on Ezekiel Way.

Hawk Hill Farm – Work Party 3

Date: April 19, 2025
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: 20 Duncaster Road, Hawk Hill Farm, Bloomfield

This will be our final clean up at Hawk Hill to make sure the area around the trees is clear in anticipation of the Tree Trail grand opening.

Bring water and loppers, and dress for the woods – long pants, long sleeves, boots, work gloves.

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in helping so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

East Granby Spring Clean-Up

Start date: April 19, 2025
End date: April 20, 2025
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Town of East Granby

East Granby organizations and family/neighborhood/friend groups are invited to participate in a town-wide clean-up in honor of Earth Day led by East Granby High School senior, Josh Lemire.

Sign up to pick up litter on 1 mile of East Granby roads between 10 am and 12 pm the weekend of April 19-20. All supplies will be provided at the Community Center. Any group or organization that participates will be entered into a raffle for 3 large pizzas from Pepperoni’s Pizza. More details can be found on the sign-up sheet.

Co-sponsored by Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy and EG Parks and Rec

Earth Day Weekday Hike

Date: April 22, 2025
Time: 10:00 am
Location: 35 Auer Farm Road, Bloomfield

Join Simsbury Land Trust land steward David Kozak as we explore the Auerfarm State Park Scenic Reserve (Bloomfield) and MDC Reservoir 6 (West Hartford) on a recently created trail connecting these properties through the 4-H Center at Auerfarm.

We’ll spend 2 hours walking approximately 2.5 miles along mostly level terrain discussing the history of the protection of these properties and area geology. Expect the trails to be wet at this time of year, so be sure to wear appropriate footwear.

The hike will start at the parking area adjacent to the Auerfarm Scenic Reserve sign.

This hike is co-sponsored by Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy and Simsbury Land Trust.

Mill Brook Park Hike

Date: April 26, 2025
Time: 10:00 am
Location: 147 Pigeon Hill Road, Windsor

This guided hike on winding trails through Mill Brook Open Space (formerly Traditions Golf Course) will be led by naturalist, Brad Robinson. This hidden gem in the heart of Windsor has sprawling forests, lush lawns, colorful meadows and winding trails. Park at 147 Pigeon Hill Road.

This hike is co-sponsored by Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy and the Windsor Conservation Committee.


Grand Opening of Tree Trail at Hawk Hill

Date: April 27, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: Hawk Hill Farm, 20 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield

Join Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy, the Town of Bloomfield, the Connecticut Land Conservation Council and special guests for festivities and conversations about the outstanding resources conserved at Hawk Hill Farm.

There will be a short Arbor Day ceremony featuring several speakers and concluding with a ribbon cutting of an exciting new tree trail open to the public. The trail features nine trees; five are “Notable” trees, meaning they are among the largest of their species in CT.

Light refreshments will be served and guided walks of the Tree Trail will be available.

TRLC’s purchase of the 45-acre farm in 2015 was partially funded using CT Open Space and Watershed Acquisition grant funding.

Guided Forest Therapy Experience at Penwood State Park

Date: May 3, 2025
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Penwood State Park, Bloomfield

Being in nature is good for us! Based on Japanese Forest Bathing, forest therapy has wholistic health benefits: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. A walk in the woods in a group with a guide offers inspiration, energy, and a sense of well-being.

The walk will be led by the Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright, a certified Forest Therapy guide, trained in the Forest Therapy School, and assisted by Dr. Lawrence Zemel.

This program begins with an orientation to the area and a brief meditation followed by three short exercises based on suggestions that involve the senses. Such as “walk as far as the bend in the trail ahead, make yourself comfortable, and sense where the wind touches your body.” After each exercise we will have time for conversation and at the end we will share tea. You will feel lighter and more relaxed after our time together.

Please RSVP – Limit is 15 adult participants

Bring: water, a foldable chair or cushion, and a snack as needed; pets cannot be accommodated

Park at the end of Stone Hill Road in Bloomfield. We will walk about ½ mile to a picnic and wooded area. Participants can stay there and wander into the wooded area close by or walk further afield.

Rain date: May 24

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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