Events Archive

Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG) Symposium

Date: October 29, 2024
Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Location: UConn Student Union, 2110 Hillside Road, Storrs

This is a great opportunity to learn more about invasive plant species, their impact on wildlife habitats and how to manage invasive plant species. Registration is $85. The Land Conservation Committee has enough in its budget to sponsor two attendees. Please email Cathy at if interested.

Over the Mountain Hike

Date: October 26, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Location: 120 Mountain Ave, Bloomfield (Oliver Filley House in LaSalette Park)

Enjoy an invigorating hike from Simsbury to Bloomfield co-sponsored by the Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy (TRLC), Simsbury Land Trust (SLT), and Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Leisure Services. The free hike – now in its 11th year – will showcase TRLC, SLT, and town properties that provide trail connectivity linking the two towns through Penwood State Park. And the fall scenery should be gorgeous!

The hike will be approximately 5 miles. Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the hike’s end point, the Oliver Filley House in LaSalette Park in Bloomfield (120 Mountain Ave). (Google map) Bloomfield Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Services will provide a bus to shuttle hikers to this year’s starting point, SLT’s Tanager Hill property in Simsbury. SLT’s Walk Book notes that Tanager Hill is “the most diverse parcel” of preserved land in Simsbury.

The group will proceed through Tanager Hill to the yellow trail in Penwood State Park. In Penwood, hikers will visit Lake Louise and The Pinnacle for spectacular fall views of Simsbury and the Farmington Valley.

From there, the hike will proceed southeast to TRLC’s Stout Family Fields, Bloomfield’s gateway to Penwood State Park. From there we’ll do a short stretch on the road to reach TRLC’s Hawk Hill Farm property, a working farm with passive recreation trails and several notable trees, including a magnificent American elm. Hawk Hill adjoins Bloomfield’s LaSalette Park, where the trail will return the group to the historic Oliver Filley House and their vehicles.

We invite you to take advantage of this annual opportunity to experience a different mode of journeying between our two neighboring towns and enjoy the end of the fall color. RSVP to help us plan ahead. Thank you!


(Photos from last year)

Land Conservation Committee Meeting

Date: October 23, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: 330 Park Ave., Bloomfield

Interns and visitors are welcome to attend our October Land Conservation Committee Meeting at the Bloomfield Human Services Center building. We will go over property updates, policies we need to work on this winter, and start thinking about our budget.

Invasive Plant Workshop – Hawk Hill Farm

Date: October 10, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: Hawk Hill Farm, Bloomfield

Join us at an invasive plant workshop to get hands-on experience clearing invasive plants. You will learn what plants are invasive to our area and how to treat them to hinder further growth.

We will finish up work on the Notable Tree Trail. 20 Duncaster Road.

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in attending so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

It’s a good idea to wear long pants, long sleeves, socks, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Bring loppers and water to drink.

Invasive Plant Workshop – Pond Meadow

Date: October 6, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Pond Meadow, East Granby

Join us at an invasive plant workshop to get hands-on experience clearing invasive plants. You will learn what plants are invasive to our area and how to treat them to hinder further growth.

Co-steward Asher Scarlato will continue working on the new trail and bridge on the eastern side of the property. We will help Asher and cut and paint privet, bittersweet and multiflora rose. Across from 19 Pond Lane.

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in attending so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

It’s a good idea to wear long pants, long sleeves, socks, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Bring water to drink, and loppers and a shovel if you have them.

It’s a Party – Take a Hike on the Wild Side

Date: September 29, 2024
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Wintonbury Hills Golf Course, 206 Terry Plains Rd, Bloomfield

Come be a part of the annual TRLC celebration! Join us as we thank our many supporters and celebrate the accomplishments of the past year. Enjoy the company of your friends and neighbors who love the outdoors and share our mission of preserving open space and farmland within our communities.

The Connecticut Land Conservation Council will be presenting our Excellence in Conservation award, recognizing the many hours of hard work spent over the past year in building our organization and caring for our properties. It’s sure to be a fun and informative evening:

  •  Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, sodas, beer and wine (or additional cash bar).
  •  Listen to live music and some very special entertainment.
  •  Learn about the organization and our recent progress and accomplishments.
  •  Learn how you can help us protect open space.
  •  Become a new member or renew your current membership.

Event registration for refreshments and drinks is $40 per person for members and $50 per person for non-members. Additional contributions are welcome (we are a 501c3 tax-exempt organization).

Please register by Friday, September 13:

2024 Event Sponsors:

Connecticut River Level

Salmon Brook Level

Filley Pond Level

Learn how you or your organization can co-sponsor this event to support land conservation efforts in our communities: sponsorship fact sheet.

Invasive Plant Workshop – Hawk Hill Farm

Date: September 28, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: Hawk Hill Farm, Bloomfield

Join us at an invasive plant workshop to get hands-on experience clearing invasive plants. You will learn what plants are invasive to our area and how to treat them to hinder further growth.

We will continue to clear under and around the notable trees along the trail at the farm at 20 Duncaster Road.

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in attending so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

It’s a good idea to wear long pants, long sleeves, socks, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Bring water to drink, and loppers and a shovel if you have them.

Invasive Plant Workshop – Evans Family Meadows

Date: September 7, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: Evans Family Meadows, Bloomfield

Join us at an invasive plant workshop to get hands-on experience clearing invasive plants. You will learn what plants are invasive to our area and how to treat them to hinder further growth.

At this workshop we will be cutting and painting winged euonymus and bittersweet. Park between 240 and 242 Tunxis Avenue.

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in attending so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

It’s a good idea to wear long pants, long sleeves, socks, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Bring water to drink, and loppers and a shovel if you have them.

Invasive Plant Workshop – Stout Family Fields

Date: August 30, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Location: Stout Family Fields, Bloomfield

Join us at the Stout Family Fields where we will continue to cut and paint the invasives between the north and south fields. Park at the end of Stone Hill Road.

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in attending so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

Invasive Plant Workshop – Algren Preserve

Date: August 29, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Algren Preserve, East Granby

Join us at an invasive plant workshop to get hands-on experience clearing invasive plants. You will learn what plants are invasive to our area and how to treat them to hinder further growth.

We will be back at Algren Preserve continuing to dig up Japanese barberry and cut and paint multiflora rose. Park across from 237 Turkey Hills Road and walk the Farmington Valley Greenway into the property.

RSVP to our Conservation Chairs at if you are interested in attending so that you can be contacted in case of changes or cancellations.

It’s a good idea to wear long pants, long sleeves, socks, sturdy shoes and work gloves. Bring water to drink, and loppers and a shovel if you have them.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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