Organic Gardening for Everyone


Organic Gardening for Everyone

Date: June 2, 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Online Zoom Webinar

Graphic logo for the 2021 nature lecture series cosponsored by the Town of Bloomfield Leisure Services and the Wintonbury Land TrustGardeners of all ages and physical condition can grow vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers organically! Naturalist John Root will provide inspiration and practical advice for composting and mulching for healthy soil, inviting beneficial wildlife, controlling weeds and pests naturally, preserving homegrown produce, and more. He’ll include time for questions and recommend additional resources for further learning.

John studied biology and botany and now is an organic landscaping professional certified by the Northeast Organic Farming Association, teaching gardening and nature programs throughout New England. He also leads edible wild plant walks in Massachusetts and promotes creating pollinator habitat on public and private land through the Western Massachusetts Pollinator Network.

The Nature Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Town of Bloomfield Leisure Services. They will host this as a free Zoom webinar. No user account is required, just a device with a web browser. We need to send you a login password though, so definitely register for free as soon as possible.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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