Guided Hawk Hill Walk


Guided Hawk Hill Walk

Date: July 11, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Hawk Hill Farm, 22 Duncaster Road, Bloomfield

Peter Picone and Ron Pitz provided a guided tour of Hawk Hill Farm’s beautiful, gently sloping trails. Peter is an urban wildlife biologist at the State Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, and Ron is the former executive director of Knox Foundation (and regular volunteer at Hawk Hill). They discussed the property’s many champion trees, native plants, and efforts to identify and control invasive plants.

(Co-sponsored by the North Central Conservation District, and rescheduled from their April 25 plant sale weekend.)

(L-R: Meadows provide habitat for wildlife such as Purple Martins hunting insects. Ron Pitz and Peter Piccone. A champion White Oak. Bittersweet vines overtaking Cedars. Credits: Paula Jones and Sharon Mann.)

Overlooking field where Purple Martins hunt insectsRon Pitz and Peter PicconeChampion White OakBittersweet vines overtaking Cedar trees

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