Annual Campaign

Dear Friends,

Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy (TRLC), now in its second year as a regional organization, was honored to receive the Connecticut Land Conservation Council’s Excellence in Land Conservation Organization Award for 2024. The award recognizes our collaborative commitment to conservation.

TRLC’s success is due to the collective efforts of our volunteers and donors. Thank you! Please help continue these efforts by becoming an annual member, renewing your annual membership, or making another year-end contribution.

I would like to share additional highlights from this year that were made possible by members, donors, and volunteers:

Growing our Reach: Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy has now expanded its region to include Windsor. Windsor Land Trust has dissolved and donated its remaining funds to TRLC to expand our efforts in Windsor. Now TRLC’s conservation efforts will reach from the ridgeline to the Connecticut River!

Expanded Stewardship: Most of TRLC’s volunteer efforts this year have gone into property stewardship. Dedicated volunteers have spent over 1,500 hours checking boundaries, putting up new signs, maintaining trails, planting native plants and participating in work parties to remove invasive plants and trees. Students from Loomis Chaffe, Kingswood Oxford, Bloomfield High School, and East Granby High School have been among our valued volunteers. Businesses like AXA XL and Indus Realty have also donated many hours to cutting invasive plants and working on the farmland. Volunteers show up with tools and gloves and have made visible progress on many TRLC properties.

Programs, Events and More: Educational programs, hikes and walks are offered free of charge for groups ranging from kindergarteners to seniors. Currently, TRLC’s clothing line with the TRLC logo on it is available for purchase here until December 6, 2024. 

More: For even more news and event photos, click to view an overview of 2024 accomplishments

Please help continue our efforts in 2025:
  • Become a member or renew today. Volunteer. Explore our trails. Join us for a work party. Get to know us better and help spread the word about the TRLC and all the opportunities to share our great outdoor spaces. Learn more about what we do by visiting the TRLC Facebook and Instagram pages. 
  • Consider making a special year-end gift. Your financial support helps TRLC to expand our work and our programs. Your continued generosity will ensure the success of TRLC in 2025 and into the future. For those looking for advantageous tax strategies (required minimum distributions from your IRA), please talk to your financial professional or tax advisor, or you may contact our treasurer, Dave Sagers.

Your support is sincerely appreciated.

Best wishes for a happy holiday season!

Amanda C. Thompson
President, Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy

Please Join, Renew your Membership, and/or Donate:

Memberships support insurance, educational programs, hiking trail signs, maintaining meadow habitats, restoring historic barns, and more, as well as receive voting privileges on important matters. Donations to one of the dedicated funds may support your favorite project. 

Step 1: Please calculate your total contribution:

  • $40  “Household” membership annual dues (January – December)
  • $30  “Individual” membership annual dues (January – December)
  • $___   Donation 

Step 2: Click the Online Contribution button to open a new window with the secure credit card form.

  • In the “Amount” box, type your total contribution.
  • In the “Name of Special Project” box, indicate how to allocate your contribution. E.g. “Household + Barn,” “Individual,” or “Unrestricted.”

Online Contribution

Step 3: You will receive an automated email confirmation promptly and a formal email receipt from our volunteers in the following weeks. Questions? Contact us. The Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 corporation, and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Other Ways to Contribute

Contribute by Check: Download and print a form (PDF) to mail a check to Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy, P.O. Box 734, Bloomfield, CT 06002.

Honorary or Memorial Contributions: Visit the donations webpage for details.

Other Types of Donations: We also accept gifts of stock, matching gifts, gifts of land, and planned giving. Contact us to discuss. 

Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers handle nearly every aspect of the Land Conservancy’s work, and there is much to do! Visit the volunteer webpage for current needs. 

It is great to be around people who love the outdoors, and I have made lifelong friends through the Land Conservancy ... If you are looking for others with whom to enjoy nature, support the land conservation community by becoming a member! - Brenda Watson

When I first visited Bloomfield, before moving here, I was amazed by all the openness ... I'm so impressed with all the work TRLC does that I'm happy to support them in the way that I can. - Cheryl Fox

My mother wanted her land to remain as it was. Every day in all seasons, 20 or more people walk the path through the fields to reach Penwood Park. It’s a very special place in our community. - John Stout

Volunteering for the Land Conservancy, I feel part of a legacy that will affect future generations through the preservation of precious open space. - Ron Pitz

I got involved because I wanted to give back to my community. My children grew up here and now my grandchildren. I want them to enjoy the land that I love and the diversity. I like meeting new people and the social interaction that TRLC offers. - Gwen Findlay

Thank you for your support!

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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