Halloween Hike


Halloween Hike

Date: October 31, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: LaSalette Open Space, 120 Mountain Avenue, Bloomfield

Braving the fall chill and snow from the previous day, a diverse and dedicated group of 12 hardy hikers (and dog Tucker), met at the Oliver Filley House, which Sharon Mann had decorated for Halloween. They explored the new trail that runs north-south along the east side of the park linking two beautiful ponds. This ADA-compliant Universal Walking Trail was created by Ironwood Community Partners (ICP), Duncaster Retirement Community, the Land Trust, and the Town of Bloomfield. They then continued northward along the LaSalette Trail to the upper meadows offering stunning views of Hartford valley to the south. Thanks to our guides Vikki Reski and Dale Bertoldi, photographers Paula Jones and Sharon Mann, and co-sponsor Bloomfield Leisure Services.

Group photograph in front of Oliver Filley House in Bloomfield's LaSalette Open Space Photograph of hikers on the new Universal Access Trail in Bloomfield's LaSalette Open Space Photograph of people walking along LaSalette Trail Photograph of Hartford skyline from Hawk Hill

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