Hikes @ Seabury Wildwoods
Update: Approximately 75 hikers of all ages participated in the various walks offered these two weekends, taking advantage of the beautiful weather to explore scenic views and find Bobolink birds. Thanks to Kevin Gough, Paula Jones, Christopher Shepard, and Jim Trail for assisting with the walks.
This easy hike will start at the head of Seabury’s Wildwoods Trail, State property leased to the Town of Bloomfield for passive recreation with trails developed and maintained with the assistance of the Seabury Trails Committee. We will explore several trails for a total distance of approximately 2.0 miles, spotting interesting birds and flowers in the meadows, wetlands, and woods.
Meet at the visitor parking at the rear of Seabury Active Life Plan Community. Look for the painted cow sculpture. Heavy rain reschedules – rain date next Sunday, June 9, same time. Leashed dogs permitted. Pre-registration not required. Free.
This is one of many hikes across the state Connecticut Trails Day weekend, part of an initiative the American Hiking Society established in 1993 to recognize the incredible benefits trails provide for recreation and exposure to nature.
This hike will be repeated the following Sunday, June 9, as part of Celebrate Bloomfield, a week when people of all walks of life come together to appreciate the natural and cultural gifts, healthy and mindful living, and sense of community in Bloomfield. Please join us!