Become a Member!

Become a member to support our efforts to protect open space and promote public appreciation of the natural environment across the region through our programs, hikes and other outdoor activities.

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Join Us for Upcoming Events

Please visit our Events page to learn more about our upcoming activities.

March:  Sustainable Landscaping Program / Hawk Hill Farm work party

April:  Hawk Hill Farm work parties / Griffin Marsh invasive plant workshops / East Granby clean-up event / Earth Day hike at Auerfarm / weekend hike at Mill Brook Park 

Save the Date:  April 27 – grand opening of tree trail at Hawk Hill Farm

May:  guided forest therapy experience / Tarrifville Gorge weekday hike / Lyme disease presentation / annual meeting

See Our Events


Your membership helps pay for educational programs, purchase of native plants and informational property signage.


Nearly $200,000 from generous individual donors has made possible the acquisition of our Land Trust properties.


We welcome help with a variety of activities. We are an all-volunteer organization, and we need you!


More information coming soon. For now please visit our events page.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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